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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  Pharmaceuticals  /  A-CAL D Calcium And Vitamin D3

A-CAL D Calcium And Vitamin D3


Composition : Elemental Calcium 500 mg and Vitamin D3 200 IU.

Indications : Osteoporosis and fractures (both vertebral and non-vertebral); osteomalacia, rickets, tetany, hypoparathyroidism and secondary hyperparathyroidism; in kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperoxaluria; as phosphate binder to reduce phosphate absorption in patients with hyperphosphatemia; during therapy with antiseizure medications, bisphosphonates in paget’s disease; for healthy bone formation and maintenance; in disorders of osteogenesis and tooth formation (in addition to specific treatment); in pregnancy and lactation due to increased demand; in raised calcium requirement for children and adolescents at times of rapid growth; to prevent and cure calcium deficiency and/or vitamin D deficiency especially in the household people who do not get direct sunlight.

Dosage & Administration : Adults, Elderly and children : 1 tablet twice daily.
