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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  Pharmaceuticals  /  Acmes Dextrose-N Saline Dextrose Anhydrous, Sodium Chloride

Acmes Dextrose-N Saline Dextrose Anhydrous, Sodium Chloride


Each 100 ml ACME’s Dextrose-N Saline contains Sodium Chloride BP 0.9 gm and Dextrose Anhydrous BP 5.0 gm.


0.9% w/v of Sodium Chloride and 5% w/v of Dextrose solution is indicated when there is combined water and sodium depletion. It provides Dextrose as a nutrient in a suitable medium of Sodium Chloride which is isotonic to body fluid, or it may also be employed as a source of isotonic Sodium Chloride or both.

Dosage & Administration

Dose is variable. It depends on the clinical condition, age and body surface area of the patients.
