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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  veterinary  /  AMMOCURE VET Yucca Schidigera

AMMOCURE VET Yucca Schidigera

COMPOSITION: Each ml contains extract of Yucca Schidigera 500 mg.


Fish and Shrimp:

  • Removes toxic gases specially ammonia from pond
  • Improves water quality
  • Helps to increase dissolved oxygen levels
  • Improves FCR ( Feed Conversion Ratio)


  • Removes toxic gases specially ammonia released from intestine and poultry litter
  • Reduces ascites related mortality
  • Improves FCR ( Feed Conversion Ratio)
  • Increases growth rate


Fish and Shrimp:

2-3 ml/ decimal pond of 3-4 feet depth of water

Repeat after 2-3 weeks

Feed: 1-2 ml/ kg feed

For live fish transportation & marketing:

1-2 ml/5000 L water

Or as directed by the Fisheries expert.
Poultry: 1 ml Ammocure per 10 liters of drinking water.

Poultry Litter: Add 1 ml Ammocure in 80 ml water and mix well. Spray the reconstituted solution on 10 square feet twice in a week.

Or as directed by the Veterinary Physician.
