Each 10 g contains Piperazine Citrate USP 10 g.
Poultry: Piperazine (Peravet) is used for the treatment of infestation caused by round worm such as Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Syngamus trachea etc.
Cattle, Buffalo, Horse, Sheep, Goat, and Dog & Cat: Piperazine (Peravet) is used for the treatment of infestation caused by round worm.
Dosage & Administration
Poultry: 1 g/Litre drinking water.
Cattle/Buffalo/Horse: 1-2 g/10 kg body weight.
Sheep/Goat: 3-5 g/10 kg body weight.
Dog/Cat: 110-220 mg/kg body weight.
Or, as directed by veterinary physician.