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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  Pharmaceuticals  /  TACROL Tacrolimus

TACROL Tacrolimus

Composition : 0.03% Tacrolimus INN.

Indications : Moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (eczema).

Dosage & Administration : Apply Tacrol® Ointment 0.03% twice a day, about 12 hours apart.

Use in children (aged 2 to 15 years) : Apply a thin layer of Tacrol® Ointment 0.03% to the affected skin areas twice daily and rub in gently and completely. Treatment should be continued for one week after clearing of signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Use in adults (16 years of age and above) : Apply a thin layer of Tacrol® Ointment 0.03% to the affected skin areas twice daily and rub in gently and completely. Treatment should be continued for one week after clearing of signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Use in elderly (65 years of age and above) : Specific studies have not been conducted in elderly patients. However, the clinical experience available in this patient population has not shown the necessity for any dosage adjustment.

