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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  ayurvedic  /  ARJUNACARD Arjunarista

ARJUNACARD Arjunarista


Composition : Each 5 ml syrup contains extracts of the following ingredients- Terminalia arjuna 2.08 g, Vitis vinifera 1.04 g, Madhuca indica 0.42 g, Woodfordia fruticosa 0.42 g and other ingredients.

Indications : Arjunacard is indicated for the prevention & treatment of – Cardiac palpitation, Cardiopathy, Cardiac asthma, Physical debility

Dosage & Administration : Adult : 2 – 4 teaspoonful 2 – 3 times daily after meal. Children : 1 – 2 teaspoonful 2 – 3 times daily after meal
