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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  Pharmaceuticals  /  ASCON Beclometasone Dipropionate

ASCON Beclometasone Dipropionate

Composition : Each actuation delivers Beclomethasone Dipropionate BP 250 mcg.

Indications : Management of patients with bronchial asthma including : ♦ Patients whose asthma is inadequately controlled by bronchodilator therapy alone and asthma is becoming worse. ♦ Patients whose asthma is not controlled by the combined use of bronchodilator and sodium cromoglycate. ♦ Patients with severe asthma being treated with systemic corticosteroid or synthetic or actual adrenocorticotropic derived hormone (ACTH).

Dosage & Administration : Adult dose (Including the elderly): 2 puffs of Ascon 250 twice daily or 1 puff of Ascon 250 four times daily (if necessary may be increased to 2 puffs of Ascon 250 four times daily)
