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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  veterinary  /  SULPHAVET Sulphanilamide

SULPHAVET Sulphanilamide


Each 10 g water soluble powder contains Sulfanilamide powder BP (Vet) 10 g.


It is used as a dusting powder for wounds by topical application.

It is also used to treat infections caused by sulfonamide sensitive organisms, notably streptococcal septicaemia; equine pneumonia caused by streptococci; strangles, joint-ill; metritis in mares, cows and ewes.

Dosage & Administration  

As a dusting powder apply into the sore as required for 2-3 times daily.

Animals up to three months of age:

Initial dose: 7.5 g/50 kg body weight.

Continuation: 2.5 g/50 kg body weight every eight hours.

Older animals:

Initial dose: 10 g/50 kg body weight.

Continuation: 5 g/50 kg body weight every twelve hours.

Total period of treatment should not exceed seven days.
