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Home  /  منتجاتنا  /  veterinary  /  ZYMOVET Amonium bicarbonate, Sodium bicarbonate, Nux vomica, Ginger

ZYMOVET Amonium bicarbonate, Sodium bicarbonate, Nux vomica, Ginger


Each sachet contains

Ammonium Bicarbonate            BP 5 g

Sodium Bicarbonate     BP 13 g

Nuxvomica                   BP 1.4 g

Ginger Powder                         BP 300 mg

Gentian Powder                        BP 300 mg


ZYMOVET® powder is used for the treatment of cattle, buffaloes, horse, goat & sheep suffering from indigestion, inappetence, anorexia, gastritis and ruminal impaction.

Dosage & Administration

Cattle, Buffaloes & Horse:

1-2 sachets for 100-300 kg body weight.

3 sachets for 301-500 kg body weight.

Calf, Goat & Sheep:

1/4 – 1/2 sachets for 15-25 kg body weight.

Required quantity of ZYMOVET® powder

should mix in 1-2 liter of water and

administered 2 times daily for 2-3 days.
